Thursday, June 16, 2005

Blog Assault

As I read throught the news articles about people getting fired over statements made in a blog, actaully my inspiration for putting this one together, and discuss these events with my co-workers, I am struck by the reaction that people I work with have to action being taken by an employer against employees for actions done outside of work. I honestly find this to be very short sighted. Come on you can be subjected to a random urinalysis, why not to a thought check on what you are saying on a public forum? Yes, the thought police can reach far. Already, what we do on company assets is closely monitored and regulated to ensure we are not doing something that they do not want done, ie web surfing etc, why not what we say about the company out side of work? The company Iwork for has policy stating that we are not to talk about the company or its employees outside of work, even to other employees, on penalty up to and including termination. And the awesome method of implementing these policies where I work just gets my goat. You don't sign anything stating you agree to and will follow these policies, you sign something stating that you have read the policies. I guess this is sufficient in a right to work state. Just another example of how shady the mis-management is where I work. Seik Heil! Heil dollar!


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