Friday, June 17, 2005

The Military for our Kids. Something To ponder

Something to ponder today maggots. I will post my thoughts this evening

After work:
Wow, can you believe people are surprised that the government has access to this information? I honestly was surprised that it was not made available until the passing of no child left behind. I remember as I was a senior getting contacted by all the branches of the military, but that may also be because my dad was Uncle Sam's maggot already. All these parents scream that it is an invasion of privacy, and yet they have no problem if a college or a local business has access to their information. Am I surprised that the recruiters are tageting lower income areas? Not at all. These people are active duty military personel, Uncle Sam expects results and they better deliver because Sammy owns their ass. These parents are also saying that these kids are being lied to. I strongly have to disagree. Are they leaving out some details, sure they are. For example, currently my daughter is investigating the marines. They told her that she will start out making $19k the first year, what they didn't tell her is the money that will be taken off the top for housing and food. Even with that in mind, they get an extemely discounted rate. Living in the barracks and eating in the mess hall costs about $5k per year. How many of us can have a place to live and 3 meals a day for $5k a year? There is also mention in the report of one of the people that joined and did not get the paper work filed to get GI bill money. Well, that person is a dumbass. This is a government agency, forms have to be filled out to wipe your ass, why would $35k in college money be any different. I have no sympathy for that fucking whiner.

Maggoteers, I honestly believe the citizenship is a privelege that should carry certain responsibilities. I think all Americans should have to perform 2 years of service to the country. If that is in the military, or some other civic duty, so be it. It will teach the sorry excuses for Americans that we have become today some respect and appreciation for the citizenship that they have. Something that the millions of domestic terrorists see carries very little value.

Another point to consider, if these people were not signing up for the military, the draft would be reinstated and all of our children would be in the military right out of highschool. I would like for all of the fucking liberal whiners to meet with a suicide bomber. Then they could really wear their bleeding hearts on their sleaves, the morons.

Maggot of the order of the Crack, signing off


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