Monday, August 15, 2005

The Rats and the Ship

Good day Maggots. As I persue my quest to become Master Maggot, I am studying alot of business scenarios. The more I study, the more I see how much the model I exist in is deemed by most of the business world to be counter productive at best. One of the focuses on study we have right now is what factors promote and demote a positive work environment. Well, if you look at how many rats are boarding new ships, you would have a pretty good indicator of how this ship is sailing.

Maggotteers, if this Maggot could swim, I would be perusing the other vessels more closely, but unfortunately, I sink like a stone, so I look at the brosures and hope to get accepted as a passenger on another liner. I will continue to look until I find the new vessel.

OK, that being said... god bless RSU and the Java Daves ice cream girl. Take care PB school starts soon!


Blogger RamblingMaggot said...

I agree with the 2nd poster, there is nothing wrong with young and chunky. Some of the bigger chunks are typically in the right place.

Honestly, I think it is about 50/50 chunky to non-chunky retio. God bless em.

5:35 PM  

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