Saturday, July 02, 2005

2AM Mumblings

WOW, what a week this has been. Insanely busy at work and at home.

For those interested, the birds are growing quickly and the parents are laying again, so I may have more birds sooner than I thought. I hope to have pictures of the current brood up tomor... err later today, maybe.

Yours truely has enrolled to begine courses towards a Masters degree. Multi purpose thing here... to progress my education, to get the remaining class work done for PM cert, and to defer my student loans... Think I might be a lifetime student :o) Imagine that, The Maggot a Master something more than bator.

For all of the faithful Maggotteers, I appologize for not posting in a little bit, like I said, it has been crazy.

Maggot Out


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