Monday, June 20, 2005

As the name implies...

Nothing really to talk about today... yeah they released a sociopath in Canada who served her baby sister up to her husband, or the fact that scientist have figured out a way to remove the stench from swine (something I personally have delt with maggotteers). That was until I found this story:

WOW, a top security nuclear wepons facilty where illegal aliens (all further reference will be domestic terrorists or DT) had access to the facility by using forged documents. Yeah, they were contruction workers, but ya know, a ruse is a ruse. The DTs could easily have gained access to nuclear materials or even weapons. Uncle Sam wants to give money so these poor bastards can goto the doctor (something this maggot cannot afford to do for his family), make welfare available to them, and in general be as accomodating as possible to these idiots who have no right to the resources that hardworking American taxpayers have put into the American economy only to give it to the invading forces of a country whose government tells them to come to our country, suck up out tax money and send it home.

There are volumes that I could ramble about DTs for hours, but I don't think I will tonight. Suffice it to say, I think non-citizens who are not following the proper proceedures to be come citizens, should be shot.


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