Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Another day another 50.32545456 cents

I have finished putting in my time for today, breath that sigh of reliefe and return to the Chateau du Maggot for an evening with the family. It has been a normal day: normal minimal pay, normal codescending tones, normal dumbasses, general lack of appreciation.... god a stick of dynamite or my own personal sniper....

My son got a mohawk today, looks cool on the six year old with fangs. Would share a pic, but the cable to connect my camera to my PC is kaput, so I guess that will havew to wait.

This Maggot is currently raising 4 baby cockatiels. Hopefully they will not realize that I am a large meal, leaving the world Maggotless.

I must say it was generally a dull day. Kind of blah... nothing big going on. Playing the hurry up and wait game drives me nuts. Come on future employer... you have my number.


Blogger RamblingMaggot said...

Well PBF, I must decline on the baby cockatiels. We plan to keep this clutch to get breeding stock. It is an amazing low amount of effort required to care for the little things and the profit for the small amount of work is decent. However, the parents of this clutch are at it again, so there should be more in no time. I will keep you updated on this as this is something I may turn into a side business permanantly.

4:24 AM  
Blogger RamblingMaggot said...

LOL, no, not enough meat on em.

8:55 PM  

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