Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Sharks Attack In the Ocean.... Who Knew?

Can you believe the media craze over the kids who got attacked by sharks?! OK, lets see... sharks live in the ocean... they are attracted to blood in the water... if you swim in that blood, the odds of getting bitten are greatly increased.

Come on people, is CNN that bored?! Is there only so much of BTK you can show (i would have loved to listen to the three hour description he gave of how he chose, tortured, and killed each of his victims). I mean, the kids who was lucky to only have lost his leg had chummed the water. It should have been him who died and not the other girl. I really hope this kid makes it onto the darwin awards. Lets accuse a shark of following its instint to find the stupid human and eat it. We are at the top of the food chain. The only reason to get killed or hurt by an animal is stupidity. Dumbass has the rest of his life to consider why it is he cannot play soccer or hacky sack.

That is all maggots

Peachy - enjoy
Chris - suck my ass. You better hope I dont get elected.


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