Thursday, August 18, 2005

Off to the Marines

Oh what a wonderful turn of events. The oldest, and most pain in the ass and frustrating, junior maggot still at home has decided to join the marines. She actually gets sworn in next Monday. Some of you may say how can you support that she could go off and get killed. My response is: I could get killed stepping out my front door, and I am proud of and support her reasons for wanting to take this step. I am not one of those dumb asses that is going to go sit in front of the Bush ranch if she gets KIA. She is dsoing something that she believes in for the right reasons (college money is not a primary reason) and I respect that. If she were to get KIA, I would not resrespect her memory of her beliefs by becoming a fucking whining ass bitch and try to get my 15 minutes of fame. Good on that bitches husband for divorcing her dumb ass. I mean, come on, their kid joined the miltary, he was KIA, he was doing his fucking job. All of these parents that are whining about their kids going to war need to take a long look in the mirror and realize that they are adults serving their country in a very honorable fashion. If you have a problem with it, too fucking bad. Get the fuck over it and shut the fuck up. And all you kids that are joining the military solely for the college money, you are some dumb mother fuckers.

That is all... its too early in the fucking morning and I think my mind just shut down


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