Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Just Say Merry Christmas!

This is someone that is making bank of an awesome idea. Check this shit out:

Just Say Merry Christmas

OK, now some of you may say 'Maggot are you becoming a holy roller?' My response is slap yo self. This aint no out of the Christian closet gonna knock your door down and beat you with a bible move by the maggot. No, this is applause for someone doing something so simple to stand up against the plague of political correctness that is distroying the fabric of freedom of speech in our country. I mean, I go spend $500 at a store and say 'Merry Christmas' and the response is 'Happy Holidays' If you ask the person why they dont say Merry Christmas, they tell you that they cant say that. I heard on Coast to Coast, the host say, well ye know what, I'm not gonna buy any of this, but I will come back during the after CHRISTMAS sale and get everything 50% off. Merry fucking christmas!

Superbowl preview on Satureday. Seahawks and Colts baby! However, I see the colts playing starters for the first half, then folding, so it will be a farse. Anyway, seahawks magic number is 1. 1 win and a Chicago loss and the Seahawks have homefield advantage.

Maggot out.


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