Monday, December 12, 2005

SEAHAWKS!!! And other Musings

How about the mother fuckin Seahawks. 11-2 and looking at having homefield advantage throughout the playoffs. Can it get much better? Oh yeah, it can. In 2 weeks they play the Colts (do I hear Superbowl Preview?) It would fucking rock if they knock out their perfect season!!! OK, so the magic number for the Seahawks is 1: 1 win and they have homefield advantage throughout the playoffs.

Onto other things, my start date at the new job got pushed out a week, so I am STILL at my current employer until Wednesday :o( Oh well, gotta make the dollar. Cant afford to take off for a full week. Damn money and damn xmas.

Talk at you all later.

Maggot Out.


Blogger RamblingMaggot said...

LMAO. That is too funny.

5:27 AM  

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