Sunday, October 09, 2005

Blogg Spam and other Thoughts

This is too those bastards that keep spamming my blogg with advertisements. LOOK MOTHER FUCKERS, STOP. This is a forum for me to speak about whatever is on my mind and for those in the know to discuss with me. This does not include you. Your posts are not wanted. Cease and desist or I will take action. I will delve your IP address out of your post, yes it can be done. I will track to your computer and wipe your fucking hard drive. I will make your private information public. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

OK, now that I have that rant against the dregs of the internet out of the way, let me get to other things that have been spinning in my head lately. OK, first let me say that I have been listening to coast to coast AM. Yes, this is a radio show for whacked out conspiracy theories. I do not believe everything I hear, I am not stupid people. However, there is always some truth to be gleaned from the whack jobs. Has anyone noticed the number of supernatural/alien related new shows on prime time? There are at least three: Invasion, good show about aliens controlling the weather to mask landings, Ghoswhispers - get to see Jennifer Love Hugetits speak to the dead, they constantly having her wear stuff to expose cleavage, Threshold - an alien sound wave genetically mutates humans to become the aliens, awesome concept.

Just things I have noticed lately.

Maggot out


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