Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Patriot Maggots!

Maggoteers! Long time no speek. It has been one hell of a month and a half since I have posted. tough classes. Tough work. And a daughter that will just not fucking leave. Yours truely is a grandmaggot, again. JOY.

Anyway, has anyone seen tat rather than hire more border patrol, the border watching minute men are being given malitia status. This means limited federal funding! They have government sponsorship!!! WOOT!!!

Anyone who knows Cindy Shehan, kick that stupid bitch in te head. Her son gets killed, so she sits out front of Bush's ranch. Her now x-husband divorces her ass (smart man) because she had a problem with he son going to Iraq and getting killed. You stupid bitch. How can you dishonor thememory of your son for your own 15 minutes of fame? And then you have the audacity to say that this country is not worth fighting and dieing for? Oh yeah, well then get the fuck out, stupid bitch.

More later, this maggot is tired and has some mother/daughter porn to watch. Yes, it is sick, but for some reason, I just have to watch.


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