Friday, September 02, 2005


It makes me cringe everytime I look at a sign in front of a gas station. The costs have been going up almost hourly everyday this week. If the costs keep rising, there are many economists that have theorised that high fuel costs will will be the downfall of our society. Gas cost is one thing that will effect the cost of everything else. Natural disasters are causing us to spend more money in reliefe efforts. Times are gonna get tough for everyone maggoteers.

DARWIN rules in New Orleans! These people are reverting to survuval instincts. The old and the weak are are the first to go. All semblances of civilization are fading away and the strong are taking over. Man, to be someone with a high powered rifle and picking people off, imagining I was on a guard tower on the border.... OK, I'm ok now. Seriously tho, there was a guy on a radio show yesterday said 'we have the perfect opportunity to put those niggers on the boat and send em back to Africa.' People like that make proud to be an American. Drop that fucker in the middle of these people and play that shit on the loud speaker.

Why hasw to governement not sent troops in and secured the area, at least where they are trying to evacuate these people? Martial law needs to be in effect. They need to send about 10k troops in there and let the fuckers with guns know that that shit will not be tolerated. Shoot them fuckers.

Maggot out...

PS Hope that honker is feeling better today.


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