Saturday, October 08, 2005

Shotgun Wasteland

How many of us work for a company that has a shotgun blast mentality of appraoching issues? If you are not familiar with the term, let me introduce you to the concept. Rather than addressing specific issues with a specific person, the issue is made into a general problem and everyone in that group is blasted for the mistakes of one person. I have working in this type of environment now for five and a half years. My god it has been that long.... And I am sick of it. The next time someone is cocking the shotgun, I will be winding up the kevlar baseball bat. That shit is going right back to the fucking sender. If I get fired for it, so be it. The mother fuckers can kiss my ass.

OK, to lighter more happier matters, to the left you will see the newest addition to the maggotiverse. Justice McKinzie Shook was bord at 2:48pm on October 5th. She weighed 7'11" and I dont know how long she was. Her and her mother are doing fine and were released from the hospital on Friday.

Until next time Maggoteers... Na-noo Na-noo

Wanna see something funny... google the word 'failure' and notice the first five thing found.


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