Saturday, July 30, 2005

The Lazy Maggot

Greetings Maggots
It has been a while since I have posted on here, ad looking through the history, pretty infrequent.

First, let me say that there has not been a lack of things for me to talk about, but a lack of taking the time to say it. There are too many stupid people in this world for there to be nothing to say. The moronathon we live in is non-stop. Honestly, sometimes I feel like it is a constant effort not to be assimilated by the sheep... but allas no. This Maggot will not resign to the thon. I take too much joy in stomping the mindlessness into the ground. Feeding on the knowledge that I have crushed you. And I will keep doing this, blatantly or covertly till the day I die, till I have knawed on enough skulls to erode my teeth.

I started back to school magotteers! Pretty soon, I will be able to say 'That is Master Maggot to you'

Well, gonna get out of here. Will be more in touch in the future. Till the next time...

Monday, July 25, 2005

Why Are You So Insane?!?

This some funny shit here. It is long, but very funny. I swear you can hear the veins popping out of this ladies head

Why Are You So Insane?

Here is one of gods muligans. All the while, he does not seem to think he is doing anything wrong. New defenition of how Earthlink can revolve around you.

Enjoy Maggots