Friday, April 14, 2006

So much to sa...... Wait a minute, I already said that.

OK maggoteers, I know you are thinking that I have been slipping in keeping up to date on here, well you are right. Been alot going on and I am just damn lazy.

A number of things to rant about:

1. Domestic terrorism. OK, these people that placate the terrorists and call them imigrants are morons. These are not imigrants. An imigrant is someone who follows the proper proceedures for entering the location they are migrating too. An illegal alien is one who chooses not to adhere to those laws. One or two illegal aliens is just that, an isolated issue. When you have 13 million illegals, then you have an invasion, hence the term domestic terrorist. Once again it appears our government is going to take the light route, offer some form of amnesty that imposes penalties that will never be enforced and the people will be citizens. They are not addressing the real issue of securing the borders. FIX THE FUCKING PROBLEM. Declare war on Mexico, do somethin damnit. I am so sick of seeing these people getting in the face of Americans and destrying the lives of Americans on the Mexican governments dime. This is an act of hostility. Here is what needs to happen, in order:
  1. Secure the border. I know that I am radical in my implementation of this, so I will back off and give something more 'humane' There needs to be something that will block entrance to the country. A tall stong wall that electricutes.
  2. The Mexican governemtn needs to get on board with this issue. If they do not, then impose taxes on the imports from Mexico to recouperate the cost of the illegals. Stop trading with them. Anything. The Mexican governemtn is part of the problem. If something is not done to get them on board then illegals have government backing.
  3. Now you implement the new er......... these damn laws are not new, these are imposing in them the proper process. It is also making the accountable for back taxes during the years of being an illegal.
  4. I have said enough about that.

I have been screeming about that for years.

Next point to rant: Iran. These guys need to be taken out. They refurse to listen to the United Nations. They do not recognize Israel and have all but declared war on them. They are one step away from building a nuke. If I were Israel, I would be flipping out. Evenstill, I am an American and am flipping out. Iran has many times openly stated hatered for Americans. Killem. Killem all. They will not stop till they are dead because they are on a holy mission. If they die in that service, they goto heaven. Give them the death they want.

I have kinda run outa steam now. Or I have had a brain fart and just forgot what else I was gonna type about. Guess thats what I get for not updating in a while.

Peace out maggots