Thursday, January 04, 2007

Illegal Aliens worse than Iraqi insurgents

Check this out:

According to a recent report 12 U.S. citizens are murdered by illegal aliens everyday and over 13 U.S. citizens are being slaughtered in automobile accidents caused by illegal aliens, which is over 9100 needless and cruel deaths per year at the hands of unlawful immigrants, 300 more than our casualties suffered by our brave heroes in Iraq! 23,725 citizens have needlessly perished at the hands of unlawful migrants, here illegally since September 11, 2001.

Note that it says 300 more than the casualties in Iraq, this death and injuries since the start of the conflict in Iraq. This is what illegal immigration does to us.

I want an illegal alien hunting permit. The season should last all year and there should be a 16 million bag limit.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Husein Is Dead WOOT WOOT

And here is the video


And those pussies at CNN would not air the whole thing. Ya know, if they made all executions in the US a public thing, the deterrent would be much greater.