Tuesday, August 02, 2005

I thought Russia was no longer communist...

Russia Story

OK, first Putin steals a super bowl ring, now he bans ABC. Must not like to hear the negative side of those people fighting to get away from Russian oppresion. If the Chechnia was not rich in resources, there would be no issue of the country being autonomuos, but since it is, they will not be. Or maybe I have missed the message he is sending. Maybe he is trying to adopt more western beliefes but finds that he cannot control world thinking when te media is bashing him. Oh well, the bastards are still a threat and need to be beat down, financially raped, and left in the cold.

Around the big stories in a few lines:
1. The space shuttle - foam has been falling of the shuttle since the start of the program. now that one blows up they make it a big deal. There are so many factors effecting reentry into the atmosphere that this should be a minimal issue. Check the ship when it gets to orbit and make sure it is ready to go and move on, keep launching, keep the program moving you pussies.
2. Basesball and steroids - test positive, ban for life. End of story. Should be the same in any sport. These bastards get paid more in one year than I will see in my entire life. There are simple fucking rules they have to follow. Follow the fucking rules or get the fuck out.

August is here!!! The kids go back to school! HOORAY!!!

That is all

Maggot out