Friday, May 12, 2006

Is it Racism or Patriotism?

Good day maggots. I was recently told I am a racist bastard for some of the stuff I say on here. Since tghis is someone I have alot of dealing with but have never met I think I will explain a little.

First, I said illegal aliens are domestic terrorists. Lets look at that a little in depth:
Webster defines terrorism as: 'The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.'

Now, apply that to illegal aliens (you will notice that I speak most about Mexicans because that is the large majority of illegals):
These people come to the United States, illegally, demand that they have everything in Spanish, teachers teach in Spanish, menus, and driving tests. They recieve free medical and get on welfare, something I do not do and cant get free medical. They are sapping our economy of resources and sending it back to the country that they feel is so great.
They come across the border and sue a rancher who was defending his propoerty. Who pays for the lawyer? The Mexican government. I view this as a hostile action.
If there is ever any legislation that negatively impacts an illegal alien, the Mexican government pays to get it put down. Another hostile action.
All of these protests that were going on, did you notice that 99% of those people were not flying the American flag, they were flying the Mexican flag. This tells me that they have no desire to become Americans, they are therefore, terrorists.

Before I go any further, those people that enter the country legally and go through the process of becoming a citizen, I have the utmost respect for them. They are showing that they want to become Americans and they are willing to follow the laws that govern this process. You respect my home and I respect you.

Back to illegal aliens. We effectively have 11 million illegal aliens invading our home. I dont know about you, but when I have something that invades my home in those number (ants or roaches is the only real comparison) do I coexist with them? HELL NO. I get the raid and wipe them out.

Since we are talking about people, we cant do that today. This is a very real problem where the benefits of a citizen are being undermined by a group that thinks they should have more rights than a citizen. This is wrong. I have family that have fought and died for this country. I bust my ass to give my family medical insurance and pay my bills. It is wrong that these people are given these benefits and it pisses me off.

I sir am a patriot. I love my country. I love the way of life my country gives me. And I dont begrudge anyone who wants this way of life, but there is a right way to do that. If you are not doing it the right way then you are a terrorist, a parasite in my home that I believe needs to be stamped out by any means neccesary.

If you still think this makes me a racist, that is your oppinion. But if that is the case, then it is my oppinion that you are a stupid mother fucker.

Maggot out.