Thursday, November 17, 2005

India Whiners

Hello Maggots

It has been a while. Been workin, studyin, workin... Fuckin xmas.

India Whiners

Can you believe the gall of these whining mother fuckers?!? The make it to where US companies will send business to them due to how cheap they are and they dont wanna get griped at. Well too fucking bad. If you dont like it, get another fucking job. You are damned right I am gonna give them a hard time. Sure it is not their fault, but I dont give a shit. They get what they deserve.

So maggoteers, the next time you talk to one of these bitches, make sure you let them know how patriotic you are by telling 'Steve' that that you want to know his terrorist name. Ask him if he aim for wifes dot on her forhead.

The fuckers.