Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The State of The Union

Anyone watch it? Anyone notice the complete division of our government? Hilary looking smug. I personally liked what was said. I agree with what was said. I hope that the things that he said come to pass. Do I think alot of them will? No. This is because of the division in the government right now. I can see the Democrats scuttling everything that he wants to get done.

Oh well, business as usual in our government I guess. Things are going well in general. This economics class is kicking my butt. Man this should really be 2 classes. Well, gonna go, got a final paper to work on.

Maggot Out

Sunday, January 29, 2006

The Sunday before the Superbowl

MAN! Its the first weekend without football. I am going fucking nuts. I have my routine, study and watch the game. It has thrown me off. That and the good medicine that the wife got for her illness. So I'm trying to study for the fucking accounting class ad it is driving me fucking nuts. This is the roughest class so far magotteers and my brain is gonna spring a fucking leak.

So my Seahawks have made the Superbowl. It is a good time to live in Seattle right now. It is measuring up to be a good game and I am looking forward to it. I do not see the hawks getting punked like the Colts or the Broncos did.

On another note, all of you who say that we need to be lighter on the illegal aliens need to read the fucking news. Mexican gangs are putting out bounties for the killing of INS and border patrol employees. These fuckers are using heavy machine guns to shoot at them as they are smuggling drugs into the country. Shoot them all, get it over with, problem solved.