Friday, March 10, 2006

Good morning maggots

Good morning, how the fuck are ya, and thank god the Dubai port deal is not gonna go through. Thought Iwould post some pics of the new dog

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Well Maggoteers, I think I will be on here a little more going forward as I have alot to say that I really cannot say anywhere else.

Lets start with the huge life changing things going on right now: The youngest femal maggot is prego. Joy. I am so bewildered, frustrated, pissed off by the female offspring I just dont know what to do. Each and everyone of them cannot learn from the mistakes of others. I guess I should expect that, I had to learn the hard way too, but at least I went a little farther than they did. I mean come on, the youngest is 16 and her childhood is over. I dont think she fully realizes this yet, but it is the truth. There are a number of shady things about this whole thing that have been really pissing me off. And what is more this is all something that I did not expect from her this soon. I am at a loss for civilized words and speculation on this and will move on.

The youngest maggot is calming down in school. I think it has to do with the fact that they are finally starting to do stuff that is new and challenging to him. This has been a trend the past two years, the first semester he is always in trouble because he is bored, then they get to actual new stuff in the spring and he has no problem.

In the news:
The Dubai port deal - how the hell is Bush backing this morraly? This is the person that has been screeming about national security and he does this? His pupeteers need to stay consistant or they are gonna be found out.
Illegal aliens sueing border farmers - OK, this is travesty here. These people are coming across the border and these ranch owners are protecting their homes, their livelyhood form people who should not be there and are vandalizing theri property. The Mexican govt is paying lawyers to sue these ranchers for big $, and winning. First off, if these people were not ILLEGALLY crossing the border onto PRIVATE property, then this would not be an issue. Secondly, my view on tresspassing is this: if you are on my property withoutmy permission, particularly after dark, you are a threat to me and my family and you will be shot. Plain and simple. How can our government allow this to happen? This invasion needs to stop and drastic measures will have to be taken.

Maggot out