Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Wait a minute you Mexican government PoS

Check this shit out:

Mexican Double Standard-

OK you terrorist motherfuckers, you screem when we want to do exactly what you have done, and you are much worse by far to the illegal alliens in your country. If we treated one person the way you treat your aliens, you would hire a lawyer to sue us. WTF? All you bleeding heart motherfuckers take note, this is how the 'Champions' of their people say we should treat them. Wait a minute, I would think that if you cared so much about all of your people who crossed our border, YOU WOULD WANT THEM TO STAY IN YOUR COUNTRY. The reality is that you only want the money that these terrorists send back to your country.

This is a constant source of rage for me. And it is one that is going to just burn forever.