Friday, October 21, 2005

To damned funny

It is in a forum, but click the links. To fuckin funny.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Nazis in Ohio

Here is a truely inspiring story in maggot land. A group of Neo-Nazis, tired of the lack of attention from the local law enforcement, descided to march in a neigborhood that has been invaded by gangs. This situation was one that was sure to explode, and it did. There was rioting when the gangs descided they were having none of it.

Personally, I think the Nazis went about it all wrong. They should have gotten about 10,000 of their hood wearing brethren from the south up for the assist. Clense the neigborhood of the gang trash. I mean, in a situation like this, how can you go wrong with 10k gun toting bubbas ready to take care of business.