Friday, November 03, 2006

Weed and other ponderings.

Has anyone seen the show Weeds? It rocks, is hilarious, and throws some perspective on America today. For those of you not familiar, it is the story of an upper middle class widower who starts selling weed to cover the bills left from the death of husband. Good show.

Anywho, been keeping busy lately around the house. Since I quit my most recent addiction, I have been getting alot done. Now if I could get rid of the constant disruptions we have entering our house on a daily basis, maybe I could get some peace as well, the bastards.

Read an interesting article on CNN where a reporter compared the Minutemen to the Nazis. The naturalized fool needs to be shot. Where my wife goes to school, there s a group of illegals who are going to english as a second language class. I have mixxed thoughts on this. Sure it is good that they are working to get educated to become citizens, but I would think that that should be a preparation that they make before coming here not after. I mentioned that imigration should show up, the wife did not think it was funny, oh well.

I am thinking about starting a video blog on