Monday, November 06, 2006

The Ashtray Bandit

So there is this lady at work who I have seen pilfering the ashtrays outside. It happens on a regular basis, enough so that I don't really notice it anymore. However, I typically am not there when she is in the act of pilfering. Well yesterday was different, I was just walking up there and she was there. I ignored her and let her go about her disgusting business. I pulled out my pack o smokes and was packing them (it was a new pack) and was opening it when she asked me for a cigarette. Being the asshole that I am, I said no, with a smile. And she gets all pissed off, says fuck you. My smile disappeared.

'Excuse me?' I said
'I said fuck you you cheap selfish bastard' she said over bad teeth. Thank god I was not close enough to smell that nastiness
'Let me get this straight, you are going to be rude to me when I choose not to share a smoke when you are obviously doing well enough for yourself you pathetic piece of human shit. No, fuck you. Get the fuck out of here before I call the cops and have you arrested for trespassing'
The look on her face changed and she turned to walk away, mumbling something.
'What was that ashtray bandit? You have something to say?'
She didn't say anything and went and got on her bike. Right before riding away she gave me the finger.
'Thank you!' I yelled after her.

Ahhhhhhh, how to make the day go by better.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Politics Today

Anyone notice how Bush is getting bashed for exactly what he said he was gonna do. He said that the war on terror was going to be a different kind of war. That it was going to be a long fight. Everyone cheered and agreed with him. He said there were going to be many sacrifices that were going to have to be made, and that people were not going to like some of them. He DID NOT LIE. Now everyone hates him for it. People are so fucking stupid. Thank god Kerry shot himself in the foot and will not get elected for anything. I will be voting. And I am going to vote straight republican across the board. If the democrats get power, we are fucked. If the democrats get power the cost will be great: soft on terrorists, amnesty for illegals, soft on border control, and deeper in debt. In short, the country will be given away.

FUCK THAT! I cannot believe that the talk now if that the majority republican controlled government will be lost to democrats controlling both house and senate. Mark my words, if the democrats take power, we will go down hill. This country will goto shit quickly. Don't get me wrong, I don't think everything that has been done be this administration was done right, they are human and mistakes will be made. But I do believe that for the large part, the amount of right outweighs the wrong.

Maggot Out