Monday, January 09, 2006

Playoffs and shit

While I wait to be able to get into WoW, figured I'ld post, the lazy bastard that I am.

Really, there has been so much going on. The new job, celebrating the Chargers not making the playoffs, school (I am so glad I am not an accountant).

And now down to business. The Seahawks. They will play Washington this weekend. If they come like they did against TB, the hawks will stomp them. End of story.

I know this is a week or so old, but check this shit out:

And this is a man of God?

Oh yeah! Brother Pat Robertson gets it direct from god on a daily basis CAN I GET AN AMEN BROTHER! Brother Pat said it so it came from the mouth of the lord. CAN I GET AN ALLEHLUIA!

OK, how Christ like is it to call for te execution of another human being? How crist like is it to say that God smote someone else? Who the fuck do you think you are old man? You are gonna get smote if you keep opening your HOLLY mouth. Oh shit, no we cant have that, then he would be a martyr. Die of cancer soon you fucker. Then we can see who got smote.