Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The New Border Deal

Well Maggots, looks like Bush may have said something good:

Immigration Reform Speech

So, fix the border, provide more manpower, make personal documentation more secure, and hold immigrants accountable to the existing laws.

I did like how 'catch and release' is being done away with.

We should be using technology to do some of our work for us.

I was skeptacle about the use of the National Guard since they will not be playing the role of law enforcement, but now I think they will be doing what should be done by them. Good call.

Here is a section that my conspiracy based thought process had a problem with:
"A key part of that system should be a new identification card for every legal foreign worker. This card should use biometric technology, such as digital fingerprints, to make it tamperproof. A tamper-proof card would help us enforce the law, and leave employers with no excuse for violating it."
At face value, this is a good idea. We need to be able to identify these people and they need to be who they say they are. But this is a first step to a bigger agenda. This will be the pilot group for a national ID. Here it comes people.

All in all, I was very encouraged by what he had to say and hope that the plans that he has are implemented.

Maggot out