Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Check this shit out

Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America

OMFG Maggots. Here it comes. The North American Economic Union. The new world order is moving forward and this is the next step. Right under our noses and right out in the open. I am fucking pissed. There are a number of things going on concurrently with this effort that just makes you go hmmm:

Trans Texas Highway
Why is it that a highway that is 4 football fields wide needs to be build from the border with Mexico north to Oklahoma? Mass transit of the beaner fuckers. Thats what the shit is.

Fuck these bastards. There is a shadow government that is taking place in Waco Tx of all places. The American president, Bush you fucking sorry bastard mason puppeted fucktard, meeting with the Canadian and Mexican presidents. If you readd the SPP site, it states that it is a joint effort to ensure that the borders between these countries are secure, however it also states that the red tape be cut to ensure prosperous commerce between the countries. I thought that is what NAFTA was for. I am going to stop. I am so fucking pissed and my mind is bounding all over the fucking place right now. I will type more when I have calmed down.

Monday, September 25, 2006

MAC/PC Commercials

Something dawned on me while watching these stupid commercials:

Notice that the PC guy is a geek and the MAC guy looks like a cool hip person. Here is why, the PC person is a geek. He can diagnose and fix his own hardware and software problems. Who knows how a fucking MAC works? And the virus commercial, OK anyone that writes a virus wants to hit the highest possible audience, hence they attack the PC. It is not due to any great security thing in the MAC OS, it is just not worth a programmers time to attack macs... man I wish I could program, it would be worth my time.