Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Someone Who Is Saying it Right

Check out this guys site:

Glenn Beck

At a time when it is not politically correct to address the issue of extremist islam, this guy is getting it done and has been given time on a major news network to do so. Check this out.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Elton John says 'Down with religion'

I was shocked and amazed when I read this:

Ban All Religion

Besides the heavy gay reasoning, those are exactly the reasons I have argued since I was in highschool. Well said EJ.

Turkey day is coming soon. Any good plans? We are just gonna stay home, have a 'traditional' dinner here. I am going to work hard to be as civil as possible to those who have me pissed off the most, probly just get drunk and ignore them all, the bastards.

On a brighter note, I get to go see Alice in Chains on Thursday. Been looking forward to this for a while. Hope it is the good time I have been needing for a little while. After that, it is back into the pits of hell that last the rest of the year. gonna try to get most of my cooking done this weekend to reduce the load on T-day.

I am quitting smoking again. Doing pretty well. Smoked 4 yesterday and have not smoked at all today. Lucky you maggots, I am sure my tongue will be especially sharp over the next few weeks as I go through withdrawls.

Well, time to get ready for work. Have to go spread my genius around to make the world, or at least the IT world of CP, better for the day.

Maggot out