Sunday, November 29, 2009

What up maggots!

I looked at my dahsboard and it has been since 2007 that I have posted here. I blame facebook, laziness, and the fixation on a general malaise that I had been carrying around. I have cured myself of this virus and life goes on.

Some would say much has changed in the world since my last post. I disagree. It is the same shit. Yes, there is a new puppet in the whitehouse, but the policies have not changed. Control, dustruction of liberty and freedom, and the killing of brown people are still the policies prevalent in the powers that be. The only major change I see is the number of sheeple who are throwing off their fleece and waking up to the reality of the theft of their money, liberty, and entrapment in the binary system that has been put in place as a system of choice by the puppet masters. This makes me smile maggots. I hope that everyone who reads this is amongst those who are learning to think for themselves. Pat youself of the back you forward thinking maggots. If not, wake the fuck up and smell your ass burning dumbass.

Here are few things for enlightened maggots and dumbasses both to wrap your mind around:
1. Ron Paul is the man. Because of him there is a bill to audit the federal reserve. The bill has 324 co-sponsors and made it out of committe intact. The bill should pass the house. The importance on this bill cannot be stressed enough. If a full audit of the fed happens, the pocket lining practices of these banksters will become aparent. Some of you maybe asking yourself why this is important. The reason this is important is that the fed is a private entity that is above control by the government. We pay the fed just to print money. The fed is what creates the national debt and manages that debt. If there were no debt, then there would be no paper money in circulation. Yes, the dollars you have in your wallet is an instrument of and a testament to debt. Ron Paul has been trying to get the fed audited since the 70s. It is just now that there is enough support to get this done. He needs our support. I will post the bill number in the near future. Please contact your represntative and later your senators to get this passed. This is key in restoring our liberty and pulling control from the banksters who currently pull the strings.

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Thursday, January 04, 2007

Illegal Aliens worse than Iraqi insurgents

Check this out:

According to a recent report 12 U.S. citizens are murdered by illegal aliens everyday and over 13 U.S. citizens are being slaughtered in automobile accidents caused by illegal aliens, which is over 9100 needless and cruel deaths per year at the hands of unlawful immigrants, 300 more than our casualties suffered by our brave heroes in Iraq! 23,725 citizens have needlessly perished at the hands of unlawful migrants, here illegally since September 11, 2001.

Note that it says 300 more than the casualties in Iraq, this death and injuries since the start of the conflict in Iraq. This is what illegal immigration does to us.

I want an illegal alien hunting permit. The season should last all year and there should be a 16 million bag limit.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Husein Is Dead WOOT WOOT

And here is the video


And those pussies at CNN would not air the whole thing. Ya know, if they made all executions in the US a public thing, the deterrent would be much greater.

Friday, December 22, 2006

You have the right to be offended

I think I have a new favorite saying. You have the right to be offended just as I have the right to offend you. I heard this on the Glenn Beck show on CNN. This was brought on the subject of political correctness. PC is a blight on this country that forces us to not do what needs to be done but to cater to the whining faggots, niggers, beaners, kikes, crackers, waps, wagon burners, chinks, cry baby tree hugging hippies, liberal facists, conservative tight asses, and bible thumping zealots.

Ahhhhh..... think I got about everyone there.

Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Someone Who Is Saying it Right

Check out this guys site:

Glenn Beck

At a time when it is not politically correct to address the issue of extremist islam, this guy is getting it done and has been given time on a major news network to do so. Check this out.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Elton John says 'Down with religion'

I was shocked and amazed when I read this:

Ban All Religion

Besides the heavy gay reasoning, those are exactly the reasons I have argued since I was in highschool. Well said EJ.

Turkey day is coming soon. Any good plans? We are just gonna stay home, have a 'traditional' dinner here. I am going to work hard to be as civil as possible to those who have me pissed off the most, probly just get drunk and ignore them all, the bastards.

On a brighter note, I get to go see Alice in Chains on Thursday. Been looking forward to this for a while. Hope it is the good time I have been needing for a little while. After that, it is back into the pits of hell that last the rest of the year. gonna try to get most of my cooking done this weekend to reduce the load on T-day.

I am quitting smoking again. Doing pretty well. Smoked 4 yesterday and have not smoked at all today. Lucky you maggots, I am sure my tongue will be especially sharp over the next few weeks as I go through withdrawls.

Well, time to get ready for work. Have to go spread my genius around to make the world, or at least the IT world of CP, better for the day.

Maggot out

Monday, November 06, 2006

The Ashtray Bandit

So there is this lady at work who I have seen pilfering the ashtrays outside. It happens on a regular basis, enough so that I don't really notice it anymore. However, I typically am not there when she is in the act of pilfering. Well yesterday was different, I was just walking up there and she was there. I ignored her and let her go about her disgusting business. I pulled out my pack o smokes and was packing them (it was a new pack) and was opening it when she asked me for a cigarette. Being the asshole that I am, I said no, with a smile. And she gets all pissed off, says fuck you. My smile disappeared.

'Excuse me?' I said
'I said fuck you you cheap selfish bastard' she said over bad teeth. Thank god I was not close enough to smell that nastiness
'Let me get this straight, you are going to be rude to me when I choose not to share a smoke when you are obviously doing well enough for yourself you pathetic piece of human shit. No, fuck you. Get the fuck out of here before I call the cops and have you arrested for trespassing'
The look on her face changed and she turned to walk away, mumbling something.
'What was that ashtray bandit? You have something to say?'
She didn't say anything and went and got on her bike. Right before riding away she gave me the finger.
'Thank you!' I yelled after her.

Ahhhhhhh, how to make the day go by better.